Business Overview

Market Research

In China and other Asian countries, there are rapid and vast changes in culture, laws and regulations. In order to run a business in these areas smoothly, accurate local information is essential. We provide prompt market information to our client to support their business operations.

Business Consulting

Foreign companies doing business in China and East Asia need to understand the local culture and history. Understanding the legal and tax systems is also a must. Based on wide-ranging marketing knowledge, DPR provides services and solutions for doing business in East Asia.

Marketing strategy and PR

Foreign companies must understand the local culture, history, and business conventions to run a business smoothly in China and East Asia. In order to provide effective PR to East Asian markets, it is critical to understand the above elements, and the technologies associated. We are able to advise appropriate PR methods and marketing strategies to our clients according to their business characteristics, and help develop their marketing strategies.
©The Daman Public Relations. co., Ltd